Engraves Thoughts Nejstarší obyvatel jedné z východočeských obcí narozený v roce 1932, který žije nedaleko Železných hor vytváří svým řezbářským uměním různé sochy, řezby i rámy na obrazy, především z lipového a […] Tanz is das Lied des Körper Dance evenings in Berlin, people gather at the Bundestag building by the river Spree. Other music also plays from a small speaker in the open space. Diverse couples immediately get […] New Forest The New Forest is not just a forest, as its name might suggest, but rather a mixture of ancient and ornamental woodland, open heathland, river and valley wetlands and coastal […] Woman in Chiaroscuro Not only do we photograph light, but we can consciously literally draw and paint with it, just like a painter with a brush or a graphic artist with a pencil, […] Gallery, black & white Street photography is all about expectations. You don’t just have to be good at spotting beautiful moments, but know that they will happen. Try to spend as much time as […] Gallery, color Trying to define street photography is almost like trying to define what is sweet or salty. You can’t quite describe it, but you know it when you see it. There […] Aristocrats Project Aristocrats, containing a photographic documentary of aristocratic families, began in 2008. It includes documentary portraits of members of aristocratic families who live or lived in the Czech Republic, formerly […] Verloren The author’s exhibition “Verloren” by Jiří Nováček discovers with its shots in “decisive moments” primarily the inhabitants of the old continent as protagonists in diverse visual positions, which are offered […] Darkness has no shadow Photographic illustration for Arnošt Lustig’s book – “Darkness has no shadow” A novel about the escape of two Jewish boys from a transport to a concentration camp and their painful […]